Custom fire pit built into the escarpment using the natural shape to create privacy and wind protection
Fenced-in raised garden beds for the entire familie's annual vegetable needs!
Multiple fruit trees planted within existing birch trees in a newly built garden
Fire pit designed for privacy with surrounding cedars
Water drainage optimised with french drains and thirsty plants!
Flagstone steps created while working down the slope using existing railway ties
Raised bed companion planting. Enjoy more food per square foot!
Neighbouring drainage was redirected through a new garden as well as adding a river stone path to highlight the homes existing stone work.
Multiple bioswales built for fruit tree guilds!
Raised beds designed for the Collingwood street feast using barn board.
Backyard revitalisation with a fire pit and tree planting for privacy
New patio built for the chiminea with a raised bed for easy access to fruits
Two new barn board raised beds. One with a cold frame for an extended growing season!
Sitting area surrounded by a scent garden within a 1/2 acre permaculture garden with so many edible plants and fruits!
Fenced in raised beds for easy access family groceries!
An early picture of a great set of raised beds.
Strawberries and seabuckthorn berries poolside for a healthy snack while relaxing.
Water catchment overflow drainage rain garden for seasonal colour in river stone.
Private backyard patio with flagstone entrance
New garden with privacy trees and colour in the shade to light up the front yard.
Custom raised beds with irrigation and protection from the critters.
Easy stepping down a slope with flagstone steps and railway ties.